Mission Statement (adopted 2016)
Our mission is to maintain coordinated parallel efforts in three specific areas, each one of which serves as one leg of a stable base upon which we can evolve.
Our members are individuals and heritage organizations in Snohomish County, Washington. We share resources, ideas and work to promote historic preservation of our local family, business, architectural, organizaiton and community histories.
- We create value for our members and our patrons tangible value including (but not limited to) displays, training aids, historical documentation, and tools that can be accessed for research, education, and tourism enhancement.
- We share that value by providing on-site and on-line access to the material, by maintaining website, email, and social media communications, by providing training from LOSCHO members and from outside agencies, and by maintaining an active program of internships and mentorship.
- We promote our values through regular media presence (newspaper, online, newsletters, brochures), through the maintenance of a county-wide historical asset inventory (buildings, sites, structures), through organizational cross-promotion, and through active participation in the processes followed by Snohomish County Economic Development, Snohomish County Tourism, and the Snohomish County Historic Preservation Commission.
Several countywide projects have involved all heritage organizations in the county. A railroad commemoration project (1993), interpretive signage (1994), a countywide map and guide to the location of museums (given to museums and visitor info centers in 1995 & updated in 2001 for free distribution), and the Heritage 2000 Project, have involved all organizations in a mutually beneficial exchange of information, increasing membership in all organizations as well as in the League, and promoting visits to museums. Most recent projects have been:
- Snohomish Women’s Legacy Project
- Heritage Day (day long conference in 2012, 2013,2014) – no longer being held
- LOSCHO Enews click here for new link
- Malstrom Awards Program and Luncheon.