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Category Archives: Historic Preservation

Preserving Historic Buildings, Landmarks, Cultural Resources, Landscapes, Districts

EVENT ONEJ.S. White Snohomish Architect Slide program May 30

Slide Show Presentation by Seattle Architectural Photographer Otto Greule and Snohomish History Writer Warner Blake

WHEN: Saturday, May 30, 2015 | 2 – 3:30p
WHERE: Everett Public Library | 2707 Hoyt | Auditorium
COST: Free
WHAT: Photographer Otto Greule will show and talk about his process photographing historic architecture with a sample selection from his work in Snohomish since 2009; while Warner will provide the historical context and an overall explanation of the project to document J.S. White’s work in frontier Snohomish.

The J.S. White Story: Photography by Otto Greule

Project Background Info: Herald Story, October 2014 by Andrea Brown

EVENT TWO – Guided Tour

WHAT: Guided Walking Tour of J. S. White’s 19th Century Snohomish with Warner Blake
WHEN: Sunday, May 31, 2015 | 2 – 3:30p
WHERE: Snohomish Library | 311 Maple Avenue | Meet in the lobby
COST: $10 Suggest Donation (no reservations, prepare to walk about a mile)
WHAT: Back by popular demand: A mile long loop walk to view the structures photographed by Otto; plus, those not ready for “prime time!” Experience the town as J.S. White’s family did — on foot!

Can’t make it? Free Self-Guided Walking Tour

Warner Blake | 206.914.4075
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Tam Elwell Found Dead by the Milkman

The Everett Herald Sunday Opinion piece made an unusual plea in support of preserving its historic places:  “Preserving A City’s History” Published: Sunday, November 18, 2012,  IN OUR VIEW: Everett’s downtown heritage

We who have a passionate interest  in preserving our historic places are very appreciative of this editorial.   We are perhaps often too complacent about the economic arguments for the cost effectiveness of replacing historic buildings.   We are forced to honor still useful buildings by replacing them with “”It Stood Here Once” plaques” as the editorial says.  Indeed,  a recent positive preservaStanwood City Hall, 2012tion example by the City of Stanwood  suggests an opposite reaction to funding limitation:
Funds for a new Stanwood City Hall building were just not available at this time and the City found a way to repair the stucco, paint and adapt the now unique design and character of the building.  The building looks fresh and inviting once again.  And the taxpayers paid far less for this improvement, not to mention increasing is re-sale value if it ever decides it needs more space for city operations in the future.
I only add that not only is it buildings that are worthy of preservation, but our local historical societies collections.   Think of them this year in your giving considerations.  See our list of local heritage groups on the right side of this page and select the community of your choice as a worthy recipient of much needed dollars for preserving local history for our futures.
Karen Prasse
Current President,
League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations.