Archive for Funding Resources & Grants

Volunteer Recruitment Workshop success!

Many Thanks to Michelle Morris of the United Way of Snohomish Countyfor her excellent Volunteer Recruitment Workshop. We received many practical ideas in a short amount of time and want to publicly thank the United Way of Snohomish County for providing this valuable service to our heritage community groups as well as the hundreds of other programming and community services.

Michelle Morris at the head of the class - "Volunteer Recruitment Workshop"

Michelle Morris at the head of the class – “Volunteer Recruitment Workshop” sponsored by the League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations for our local volunteer historical societies.

I also want to thank the Hibulb Cultural Center for their great classroom space, not to mention the opportunity to wander through this wonderful facility, seeing the longhouse, canoes, exhibits, and library.

Karen Prasse
League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations


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Community Heritage Grant recipients for 2012

To help us with planning next year’s heritage organizations budgets here are the recipients of the 2012 Community Heritage Grants that provide matching funds (via reimbursement) for:

Professional development – for activities that enhance the capabilities of the board, staff and volunteers of non-profit organizations to collect, preserve and interpret history in Snohomish County.

Public education – for activities that incorporate county history into the educational infrastructure and the general public discourse.

Capital – for assist an agency in meeting urgent health, safety and welfare needs that preserve its facility assets and enhance service to the public.

Collections management – for support for projects that assist non-profit organizations to effectively execute their stewardship obligations for their collections.

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Announcing – Snohomish County Heritage Day and Malstrom Award Luncheon

Save the Date –Saturday March 17th, 2012
9 am – 3 pm
Floyd Norgaard Cultural Center   27130 102nd Ave NW    Stanwood WA

The League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations Board has decided to expand its traditional Malstrom Awards Luncheon to include more opportunities for sharing ideas on history projects in and around Snohomish County. Volunteers, staff, board members, docents of our local heritage groups are invited to participate in several workshops and meetings for heritage organizations.  The workshops are designed as refreshers and to do some brainstorming on new ideas for historic preservation, exhibits, programming, education and school projects, genealogy and collections management.

Topics of the workshops include sponsorships/fund- raising, “High Tech History from Granite Falls, school programs (history day), historic preservation, mobile museums, exhibits, Snohomish County Mapping Project, volunteer recruitment, working with Past Perfect and collection management.
Heritage groups and individuals are invited to bring tabletop displays of recent projects and publications to sell.  Tables will be available around the perimeter of the main hall so all who attend will have a chance to converse informally with each other.

There is sure to be more than one topic here of interest to board members, staff, researchers, writers, volunteers and docents of our heritage groups of Snohomish County and surrounding counties. Details and registration information are now posted here.

Special thanks to the Stanwood Area Historical Society for hosting this event at their wonderful historic buildings – the D. O. Pearson House, the Floyd Norgaard Cultural Center (former Public Hall) and History Museum.

Special note:
The League Board Annual Meeting for Board member elections will be held January 9th 2012 at10 am. All League members and more than one representative from each group are encouraged to join us at this meeting also in Stanwood at the Floyd. Nominations are open for new League Board members.

The Malstrom Award Nominations for projects completed in 2011 will be due Friday January 20th, 2012.

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