Highlights of Heritage Day 2013


Acorns? — A presentation on the Granite Falls Alternate Route project provided information on how cultural resources management works in the day to day world of National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 consultation and how a road construction project complies with regulatory requirements. Crilly Ritz from Snohomish County Public Works provided background on the Granite Falls Alternate Route project and the regulatory process and requirements that provided the framework for the archaeological data recovery that occurred as part of the project. Jason Cooper, (in picture) an archaeologist with the consulting firm AMEC, provided a presentation that summarized the extensive archaeological data recovery work that occurred as part of the project. Among the surprising findings of the project was that acorns were part of the diet of the Olcott period, approximately 7-9,000 years ago. His presentation provided an extensive discussion of the lithic tool analysis that occurred as part of the project.