LOSCHO Quarterly meeting Oct 8 10 am Waltz Bldg

Please join us for our quarterly meeting Oct 8th at 10 a.m. at the Waltz Bldg in Snohomish.League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations, Washington State

The members will be discussing plans for the Heritage Day 2013 scheduled for next March as well as other heritage activities and programs around Snohomish County.

For info on attending the online version of the AASLH conference, email me below.

See also the previous post for the information on the Volunteer Recruitment Workshop and please RSVP by oct 10th.  Thanks,

Karen Prasse – info@snocoheritage.org

As always, contribute and keep up to date on county-wide heritage activities with our Enews subscription service – it is a self – subscribed listserv that you can unsubscribe from anytime…


Posted September 30, 2012 by admin in Uncategorized