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Yearly Archives: 2009

June 17, 2009. House Bill 1386 Grant Program

Councilman Brian Sullivan, Donna Ambrose, Sharie Freemantle and Wendy Becker made a presentation to the Historic Preservation Commission Wednesday evening June 16th creating the House Bill 1386 Heritage Grant Program. Councilman Sullivan made it clear that this program would not have been possible in these tough economic times without the help of all the council members and the executive’s office who came together to support this plan.

If the link to the application and guidelines at the bottom of this message doesn’t work, try front page under “Community Heritage Program.”

There is $45,000 in this fund for this calendar year and we would really like to see this all distributed to support heritage in Snohomish County. There is a ¼ cash match required and a ¼ in-kind match. For this year, the timing is tight. Applications are due by August 10, 2009 for expenditure by December 31, 2009. Next year the cycle will operate on the calendar year.

There is a provision for smaller grants that can be applied for via a letter application.

The application guidelines are not yet up on the web site, so we’ll provide more information later. Any questions can be addressed to Shari Freemantle at 425-388-3559 or or Wendy Becker at 425-388-3186 or

Information submitted by Tracy Tallman, Member of the Historic Preservation Commission

Women's Legacy Project

Thanks to Margaret Riddle, Betty Lou Gaeng of the Sno-Isle Genealogical Society and Louise Lindgren of Index for their new additions to the Women’s Legacy Project biographical histories.  We now have 60 of 100 planned women’s stories – now including many untold stories of Native American women and Louise’s account of the life of a midwife, a profession that still exists in a much different form.  Please look over the updated list.  The names, professions, places and other details for finding stories you are interested in can be found by using our google custom search from our website.

More are to come, we have several being worked on – to contact us about contributions, email me below.

–Karen Prasse, Loscho President