Welcome to the League of Snohomish County Heritage Organizations Blog

This new weblog is part of the League’s mission to communicate and learn from one another, share ideas and cooperate on history and heritage related projects throughout Snohomish County.  Drawing from the idea that the whole is better than the sum of its parts, it is hoped that we will find ways to share resources and ideas to preserve our historic architecture, protect cultural resources,  improve our museums collections, provide better heritage programs and exhibits.  We hope to share and compete in a healthy innovative way for new and old funding sources to promote a better understanding of county heritage.

Our most recent activity included the Feb 28th Disaster Preparedness Workshop with Tracy Tallman of the Historic Preservation Commission/Snohomish County Museum and Melinda Van Wingen of the Everett Public Library Northwest Room.

Our next workshop will be the  Collections Care Workshop
on Friday March 6th, 2009
, 9 am – 3 pm.
Waltz Building, Snohomish.
Instructor is Lynette Miller, Head of Collections, Washington State History Research Center.

Posted February 28, 2009 by admin in Historic Preservation, Museums

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